

明馨創業精神 - [ 明朗、溫馨、專業、創新、優質、熱忱 ] ,創辦人知名打擊樂家周有宏老師秉持多年演奏、教學經驗及樂器產品開發顧問經驗,以創新的樂器開發理念,深具有專業性、創新性、優質性、適用性,四大特性,自行開發設計、製造,獨領市場導向,多年來已開發數套不同樂器,廣受好評。

The founder, Mr. Pablo Chou, is a famous professional percussionist in playing percussion and teaching. His innovative concept of musical instrument development that comes from his successful career as a musical instrument production consultant and his abundant playing experiences let Mr. Pablo Chou dedicate to develop the most appropriate musical instruments to the professional player.